UX Design Case Studies

I’ve assembled these case studies to demonstrate some of the key challenges I’ve encountered in my UX career so far and my solutions to them. I aimed for a variety of applications that showed the range of work I’ve done, including touch interfaces, a web application, and a video game. Thank you for taking a look! Let me know if you have any questions or would like to see more examples.

Please note: for the sake of discretion, this page is not linked from my main site, and I’ve also removed any identifying client branding from the case studies themselves.

Developing a Concierge Call System

Identifying problems in a client proposal and suggesting improvements

Images of a small and large touchpanel showing buttons and alerts.

Creating a Dark Theme for a Web App

Exploring the challenges of color theming on a complex SaaS application

2 Website pages showing a light theme and a dark theme.

User Testing Games

Playtesting tabletop and digital games to find pain points

Cards and other board game components.

Prototyping a Room Signage Scheduler

Updating an old wireframe with an interactive prototype in Figma for a room scheduling touchpanel

A wireframe and image of Figma components.